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Scott Agency, Inc. Coronavirus/COVID-19 Response March 16, 2020

Dear Friends,

As we continue to monitor the activity and recommendations from our local, state, and federal health and safety officials as relates to COVID-19 or coronavirus, we felt the need to share with you all how Scott Agency, Inc. will continue to be here to support and serve our communities.

The health and safety of our staff, our clients, your families and the members of our community are of the utmost importance to Scott Agency, Inc. during this unprecedented time. With our operating landscape changing hourly, we want to reassure everyone that does business with Scott Agency or Melahn Insurance Agency that we will continue to be here to help. We will continue to provide the service you have come to expect, but it may just be in a different way than you are used to.

For the time being, all of Scott Agency, Inc’s offices will remain open for regular business hours. However, our agents might be limiting their outside visits for the foreseeable future.

Should a full or partial shutdown be recommended, please look to our Facebook page and for further instructions on how we are operating and how best to reach us.

Scott Agency, Inc. has created a contingency plan should further guidance from local, state, or federal officials recommend changes to our normal operating procedures. We may have employees working remotely or meeting with clients by appointment only, depending on the recommendations from health and safety officials.

Throughout the event, for specific policy questions and concerns, as pertains to the response to the virus, please contact your agent directly or call your local office so we can provide you with a direct response to your questions. We are always here to help and to advise our clients. If you have after-hours concerns or need to file a claim and are unable to reach your agent, contact information for nearly all of our insurance partners can be found on our Insurance Partners page, under the “About” tab on our website.

Lastly, please continue to take any recommendations from government officials seriously for the health and safety of our entire community. We want to see everyone happy and healthy again once this trying time has passed.